Meet the Authors

Matthew Zammit

With a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and AI from the University of Malta, Matthew uses his skills and experience in the fields to build solid foundational understandings of the subjects at hand. He has around a decade of professional and academic experience, mainly in the gaming and sports betting sector. He focuses on applied predictive modelling and analysis in various domains, especially prediction markets, human behaviour, and rationality.

Pedro Lopes

Pedro is a data scientist with a Master’s degree in Mathematics. After spending two years developing pricing machine learning tools for health insurance, Pedro joined Fast Track to explore new challenges and build scalable machine learning solutions.

Harald Lehninger

Harald is working in the iGaming industry since 2004. Since 2005 he had different Data Science roles and since 2016 he is leading Data Science teams. Having worked that many years in iGaming Harald analysed data and built models for all iGaming products which gave him a vast experience of players behaviour.
He has a Masters in Mathematics and in Physics and a PhD in Mathematics.

Curt Healey

Curt has close to one year of experience in the iGaming industry with a focus on data analytics. Before that, a short stint with BOV using statistical models to aptly identify defaulting customers, and one year of experience working with the NSO with the main focus on economics-data originating from businesses.
He has an undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Statistics and is currently working on a postgraduate on preserver problems in Quantum structures.

Jeremy Curmi

Jeremy has 3+ years experience in Data Science in the gaming industry, focusing primarily on Machine Learning, Data Engineering and Analytics. In possession of a Masters degree in Mathematics, and a degree in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Malta.

Jorrit Klein Bramel

Jorrit has close to eight years of experience as either a software- or -DevOps engineer, with six of them being within the iGaming industry in Malta. With an undergraduate degree in Computer Science (Systems Engineering) and currently working toward a postgraduate degree in High-Performance Computing with Data Science.

Nicky Abela

Nicky is a data enthusiast with particular interests in data engineering, data mining, and machine learning. With over 4 years of experience in iGaming and in possession of a degree in Mathematics and Statistics, Nicky specialises in extracting actionable insights from data. He also takes pride in crafting data powered solutions to overcome common obstacles in the industry.

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